Noro Magazine Nineteenth Issue

(Errata) 09 - Hexad Please note the following information is wrong in the magazine:

Noro/KFI Miyabi 3½oz/100g skeins, each approx 272yd/245m (wool/cashmere)
• 5 skeins in #4 Tsushima (A)
• 4 skeins in #2 Akitakata (B)
(Errata) 08 - Jessamine Please note that in the instructions for German Short Rows, step 3 should be omitted.
(Errata) 12 - Lotus Please note the following correction:

Rnd 6 Ch 4, tr in same beg ch, *tr in next 2 dc, hdc in next 2 dc, sc in next 5 dc, hdc in next 2 dc, tr in next 2 dc, (2 tr, ch 2, 2 tr) in next dc; rep from * 3 times more, then tr in
next 2 dc, dc in next 2 dc, hdc in next 2 dc, dc in next 5 dc, sc in next 5 dc hdc in next 2 dc, dc in next 2
dc, tr in next 2 dc, and in beg st work 2 tr, ch 2, join with slip st to top of beg ch. Fasten off.
(Errata) 12 - Lotus Please note the following change to the instructions of the Finishing of the Collar:
Row 1 Hdc in 3rd ch from hook and in each ch to end, sl st in next 2 sts of front and back piece, turn.
Row 2 Hdc in back loops only in every st to end of row, turn.
Row 3 Ch 2, hdc in back loops only in every st, sl st in next 2 sts of front or back piece.
Rep rows 2 and 3 until neckband has been joined to neck opening.
Join the first and last row of neckband tog with sl st.
Fasten off.
(Errata) 28 - Sia Please note the following correction under Front, Shoulder and Neck shaping:

Shoulder and neck shaping
Work shoulder shaping as for back, AT SAME TIME, after 2 rows of shoulder shaping have been worked, bnd off place the center 31 (33, 33, 35) sts on st holder and working both sides at once with separate balls of yarn, dec 1 at each neck edge every other row 4 times.
(Errata) 23 - Hakea Please note the following revision in the SLEEVES Section:

...AT SAME TIME, inc 1 st each side every 6th (6th, 6th, 6th, 4th, 4th,4th, 4th, 4th) rows 3 (3, 15, 15, 6, 6, 9) times
(Errata) 18 - Block Party Please note the following additions:

... across side edge of Block One. Continue knitting Block Two as for Block One.
Do not bind off.

... Repeat from * * to * * twice more, ending with Side Columns which will be worked
over 5 sts instead of 4 sts (as for first Side column). Knit 4 rows. Bind off all sts.
(Errata) 06 - Brioni Please note the following changes to the beginning of the YOKE section:

Note: Rnd begins at back front left shoulder.
Change to shorter circular needle when needed.
Joining rnd With longer size US 9/5.5mm circular needle and MC, k 42 (46, 50, 51, 52, 53) sleeve sts, k 66 (74, 82, 87, 92, 97) body sts for front, place next 14 (14, 14, 17, 20, 23) sts on holder or scrap yarn for underarm, k 42 (46, 50, 51, 52, 53) sleeve sts, k rem 66 (74, 82, 87, 92, 97) body sts for back, place next 14 (14, 14, 17. 20, 23) sts on holder or scrap yarn for underarm, k 42 46, 50, 51, 52, 53) sleeve sts, place new marker for beg of rnd—216 (240, 264, 276, 288, 300) sts.
(Chart 2 (revised)) 06 - Brioni Please download the revised Chart 2. Download Errata File
(Errata) 27 - Piper Please note the following corrections:


Cont to bind off from shoulder edge 3 (3, 5, 5) 4 (4, 6, 6) sts twice, AT SAME TIME, bind off center 30 (31, 32, 33) sts, and working both sides at once, bind off from each neck edge 2 sts once and 1 st once. Bind off rem 3 sts each side.


Working both sides at once, bind off from each neck edge 3 sts once, 2 sts once twice, dec 1 st at each neck edge every other row 4 times, AT SAME TIME, when same length as back to shoulder, shape shoulder as for back. Bind off rem 3 sts each side.